Berkshire Free Library
Board of Director’s Meeting, BFL

January 9, 2023

Present: Don Murch, Fran Miller, Barbara Schwartz, Lisa Michaud, Nancy Lohmann, Graeme Brilliant, Carol Leigh, John Stoughton, Janice Merrill, and Darlene Wait. No one attended via ZOOM.

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM.

The Agenda was modified to include Insurance, Carol Kania’s letter, and going late book fine free.

Secretary’s Report was distributed via email previously and reviewed. No changes or corrections.
Treasurer’s Report was distributed via email previously. We reviewed the P&L and noted that there were several income and expense items which were significantly different from the budget. Due to a large gift last year, our net income for 2022 is over $20,000. There were no further questions.

Director’s Report was distributed, and Fran noted that she will have jury duty every other Wednesday until the end of February, but staffing is covered. She noted new cards last month were up, likely due to the coat distribution. Fran will check with Carol Cox to verify that she sent a thank you to the Vestal Elks.

Old Business: Story Time grant through Community Foundation will be sent later this month. An article for the Richford newsletter was sent out, and Berkshire e-newsletter will cover the Annual Meeting next month. The cooking/exercise classes continue and while available we will follow the NYS online exercise class. Ancestry instruction will commence tomorrow, people are coming and Roger Sharp said he would come and help out if needed. No signup necessary, and we will continue to have classes until people stop requesting them. Craft group has added Wednesdays to their Thursday meeting to accommodate schedules.

New Business: Annual Report has not yet been opened for submission. Fran asked the Board to consider becoming a fine-free library for late books. This item was added to the Agenda.

There being no further questions, Barbara Schwartz moved that the three reports be accepted as presented. Nancy Lohmann seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Old Business

Online book sales have been active for about two weeks now, and Graeme reports that of the 50-60 available online, two have sold. Fran got envelopes for shipping.

Museum inventory database has not yet been found. Lisa said she spoke with Nancy Reddy and her database was not available. John will try reaching Kirsten for more information. Keys need to be located and Darlene will work on the Key List and send a letter to past Board members to return their keys.

New Business

Fine free for late books was discussed. Barbara Schwartz made a motion that we develop a policy of being fine free. It was noted that damaged books would still be charged a fine. Darlene seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. The Policy Committee will develop the stated policy.
Policies are mostly up to date, and any renewals will be presented at the next meeting.

Insurance for the museum’s contents is not ours to provide – you can’t insure what you don’t own. The Museum’s lease agreement with us should include a statement that their Board is required to insure contents.
We pay $1,693 a year for our insurance on the building. This gives us coverage on the building itself of $437,000 and $40,000 on the contents. It was suggested we raise the contents insured amount. Dick Harrington had started an inventory and Fran will check on how far he got.
It was noted that the Federal mileage reimbursement rate is now 65.3¢ per mile.

Carol Kania mailed a letter to most of the Board. She was concerned that the database of patrons does not include the Town, since some addresses that border another County/Town may be incorrectly counted should this ever become necessary. Fran noted this was, in fact, being done. Having Board meeting items placed on the Library’s website was discussed. Items must be sent to Graeme no later than the Thursday before the Monday Board meeting. It was also noted that FLLS sent the email with training for Trustees links today, including the annually required sexual harassment class.

Conflict of Interest forms were signed by all Trustees present, and will be filed in the office as required.
Janice will send a draft of the Trustee list via email for consideration before the Annual meeting next month.
Round Table

Graeme noted that he has a load of books to be taken to the FLLS in Ithaca, which they prefer not to be done all at once, so please stop and take a few boxes when you plan a trip to Ithaca.

Darlene reported that Gus (Carol Cox) has not been feeling well and she sent her a get well card from us.

Fran reported that Creamery Hills has a problem with not returning books so she will change the method of getting books to patrons.

Darlene asked permission to take the Key List book home to work on it. Agreed.

There being no further business to conduct, Janice made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Lisa seconded the motion, and it was unanimously passed.


Janice Merrill, Secretary



(draft) Berkshire Free Library
Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Meeting at the Berkshire Free Library

February 13, 2023

Agenda and files to be presented can be found here.
Present: Don Murch, Fran Miller, Barbara Schwartz, Lisa Michaud, Nancy Lohmann, Graeme Brilliant,
John Stoughton, Janice Merrill, Carol Cox, Darlene Wait and guest Heidi Brilliant-Mills.
No one attended
via ZOOM.

The meeting was called to order at 3:45 PM by President John Stoughton.
Secretary Minutes from the Annual meeting of 2022 were read, with a correction in the 3rd paragraph to read “Minutes of the Annual Meeting of January 2021 were read by Carol Leigh.” There were no further changes or questions.

Director Yearly Totals. Fran reported the number of Patron visits was 1,500 and the number of books circulated was 9,163. The portal to enter our Annual Report to the state did not open until recently, so it is not due until March 1. It is incomplete at this date so Fran will print one copy of the completed 60-page report and have it available at the Library desk for Trustees to stop by and review. If approved, Trustees will sign their names to the motion to approve and be appended to these Minutes.

Treasurer’s Year End Report was unchanged from last meeting which covered January through December 2022. Treasurer Carol Leigh was absent due to a fall last week resulting in a broken arm. (Heal well!)
Barbara Schwartz moved the three above reports be approved as corrected. Carol Cox seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

New Business
Election of Members for 2023

Barbara Schwartz nominated Carol Cox, Darlene Wait and Lisa Michaud for 3-year terms as Trustee. Nancy Lohmann seconded the motion. There being no further discussion, the motion was passed unanimously.

There being no further business to conduct, Barbara moved for adjournment, seconded by Carol Cox. Motion
passed unanimously.


Janice Merrill, Secretary


Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Reorganization Meeting

held at the Berkshire Free Library

February 13, 2023

Present: Don Murch, Fran Miller, Barbara Schwartz, Lisa Michaud, Nancy Lohmann, Graeme Brilliant,
John Stoughton, Janice Merrill, Carol Cox, Darlene Wait and guest Heidi Brilliant-Mills. No one attended via ZOOM.

President John Stoughton called the meeting to order at 3:50 PM.
Agenda Additions Reports were added to the printed agenda. Nancy Lohmann requested we add Memorial Christmas trees for Berkshire to New Business.

Secretary’s report Minutes of the January meeting were reviewed and on page 2, a change to the 3rd paragraph was requested by John to read “Insurance for the Town of Berkshire Historian’s office contents is not ours to provide .“ No further changes were requested.
Treasurer’s report was not available.

Directors report was distributed and reviewed. She noted that a new program “Comic Chaos” is planned for March 25 from Noon to 3 PM with a student from Ithaca College talking to attendees at the Berkshire Community Hall. This is how to create graphic novels for ages 6 to adult.
Walking /Cooking Club will commence March 30 when Caitlin Mizerak of SNAP-Ed returns. Fran reported that the date of July 22 is now registered with the Town for use of the Hall and grounds for the Blueberry Festival. Other report items were covered under Old Business.
Motion to approve the above reports available was made by Janice, seconded by Carol Cox and unanimously approved.

Old Business

Grants – Fran reported that the grant for our Story Time and Summer reading was submitted for an amount of $6,075. Next grant will be submitted in early June to the Tioga Senior Citizens Foundation.

Ancestry class is going well and being attended by 4 or 5 people. Roger Sharp is coming Friday afternoons to further help individuals with their searches. There will be another class in March.

Online Book Sales Graeme distributed a list of the books we have for sale online as well as a report of sales. He noted it appears to be not worthwhile to sell books for $5 since it costs about $3.50 to mail them except that the history helps to put our books on the “Recommended Sellers” list in the Abe program. Janice asked how much time is invested in selling online, and Graeme said with the original setup done now, he has to take and post pictures of each book and post them. The taking current condition photos helps to distinguish our books from those of “book jackers” who have no book in hand but sell your posted books at a higher price, using the readily available pic from original
publication and then pay us our lower asking price, pocketing the difference! So it is worthwhile for us to take pictures and be aware.

Boxes of books are brought in to the Library all the time as people clean out their collections and out storage space is limited. Books posted online are those that are 1) in reasonable condition, 2) not the
subject matter likely to sell at local festivals, 3) not specifically donated by library patrons, and 4) old (circa 1800s) books. After further discussion, Trustees all thanked Graeme for his effort!

Policies The policies committee has not yet met to finalize the fine free policy, but will do so soon.
Key List Darlene reported she has updated the records to indicate current status.

subject matter likely to sell at local festivals, 3) not specifically donated by library patrons, and 4) old
(circa 1800s) books. After further discussion, Trustees all thanked Graeme for his effort!

Policies The policies committee has not yet met to finalize the fine free policy, but will do so soon.

Key List Darlene reported she has updated the records to indicate current status.

New Business
Election of Officers The existing slate of officers was presented for renewal by motion of Lisa
Michaud. Darlene seconded and the motion was passed unanimously. Officers are elected for a period
of two years.

President John Stoughton
Vice President Carol Cox
Secretary Janice Merrill
Treasurer Carol Leigh

Committee Assignments The following memberships were appointed by John:

Building Graeme Brilliant, Darlene Wait and Lisa Michaud
Finance Carol Leigh, Carol Cox, Fran Miller
Policies and Procedures Nancy Lohmann, Carol Cox and Janice Merrill

Memorial Trees Nancy had received several queries why Berkshire doesn’t have Memorial trees decorated and on display at Christmas time like Richford and Newark Valley do. We had talked about this earlier and decided that we don’t have enough an outside electrical outlet, nor sufficient frontage on Route 38 to display many trees. All the same, John will check with Will Simmons about installing an
outlet outside the building for such use

Round Table
John reported that it had been suggested we look at our annual calendar. Book sales scheduled during the 3 local festivals Blueberry, Potato and Apple are planned, with two or three stand alone sales, next being March or perhaps in April, since that includes the National Library week. Blueberry chair should be selected. After conversation, no one was willing to step up to that role at this time. However,
Janice and Carol will be in charge of contacting vendors, Nancy will be in charge of contacting authors.

Raffle baskets will be covered by Carol Leigh and Darlene Wait. The pancake breakfast will be covered by Carol Leigh and Don Murch. George Lohmann will be in charge of the art show, music, and the printed program. John will be in charge of the bakeoff. Advertising, food, and entertainment still need to be covered. We will address having an individual chair to bring it all together and the remaining areas yet to be covered at next month’s meeting. There being no further business to conduct, Carol Cox moved for adjournment, seconded by Janice
Merrill, and unanimously approved.


Janice Merrill, Secretary




Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting March 13, 2023

held at the Berkshire Free Library


Present: Fran Miller, Lisa Michaud, Graeme Brilliant, John Stoughton, Janice Merrill, Carol Cox, Darlene Wait, Carol Leigh and via ZOOM, Barbara Schwartz.

President John Stoughton called the meeting to order at 3:03 PM. On his call for Agenda Additions, Carol Leigh requested we add the Berkshire Community Association annual donation to New Business.

Secretary’s report – Minutes of the February Reorganization meeting were read. No changes were requested. Janice shared the Trustees and Personnel list for 2023, and noted change to the term for Barbara Schwartz, 2023-2025.
Treasurer’s reports were reviewed. On the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual statement, the amount budgeted from the Town of Richford should show $5,000 not $500. On the Income Statement, we saw the Used Book Sales amount from online sales that Graeme has processed through February, along with the Fundraising expense associated with mailing expenses. A good start!
Director’s report was distributed and reviewed. Fran reviewed the numbers for February, and noted regulars of the Ancestry class attend the Library often and receive any help requested. Walking/Exercise has been suspended until April since Caitlin was not available. We do not give Creamery Hills Apt many books for their “library” because we lost a few older books due to their not being returned. Now people using their library cards ask Fran to drop off books and pick them up
Old Business – ZOOM was renewed, and Fran is learning CANVA for presentations and social media.
New Business – Fran talked about the summer program. She read to 2nd graders recently and had a chance to talk with the principal. Starting July 10 the bus picks up kids behind the Berkshire Fire Hall and feeds them breakfast. They are dropped off about 12:30. Therefore, we will do Story Time one day in the morning for younger children and a program in the afternoon one day. Fran is looking for lower cost educational programs available. She will likely need help from Marcie or Irene that day so she can oversee the program. This sounded good to the group.
Grant opportunities – REAP – Fran is attending a presentation April 4 in Owego on grants available. There is a mini-grant “Senior Rural Grant” for crafts, exercise, cooking type programs she will apply for.
Trainings – Graeme is training Fran for the web program. The Board approved getting extra help from Marcie/Irene so she can concentrate on this.

Motion to approve the above reports as presented was made by Graeme, seconded by Carol Cox and unanimously approved.

Old Business
Grants – covered in Director’s report.
Ancestry class – Penny finished 3 classes, some people are still coming in for help weekly.
Online Book Sales – discussed in Treasurer’s report.
Policies – Janice distributed the revised Library Service Policies and went over the suggested changes. Discussion brought about suggested modification of the FAX fee to be $1.00 regardless of the number of pages. With no objection or further changes, the draft policy was adopted and will be filed.

Blueberry & Book Fest –
Janice asked if the $15 vendor table could be raised for the first time, and all agreed $20 was a reasonable increase. Authors will remain at $15 this year.
Carol L and Nancy discussed having a PA system. George and Nancy will be gone on July 22 but Lisa’s sister may be able to work with George.
Mary Kay Thomas lives in Owego but is interested in being a vendor. Janice will add her to the list.
John called Karen McNally about being coordinator but she declined. Kathy Hartman offered to help out. John will ask if she’ll be coordinator.
Darlene was going to ask Lena her sister to help do raffle baskets.

New Business
Website update/training – Fran and Graeme are working together on the training.
BCA Donation – We make an annual donation to the Berkshire Community Assn to help with the use of the building for our various programs and book sales. Carol Cox made a motion to send a check for $300 to them. Lisa Michaud seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Round Table
Carol Leigh will get a card to send to Will Simmons on the passing of his wife.
Janice donated a quilt for the Blueberry & Book Festival and the group approved hanging it behind the public computer in the main desk area.

There being no further business to conduct, Janice made a motion to adjourn. Carol Cox seconded the unanimous approved motion and the meeting was adjourned.


Janice Merrill, Secretary


Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting April 10, 2023

held at the Berkshire Free Library

Present:Fran Miller, , Lisa Michaud, John Stoughton, Darlene Wait, Carol Leigh, Graeme
Brilliant, Janice Merrill, Carol Cox, and via ZOOM, Barbara Schwartz.

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM. John asked for any additions, and to New Business
was added NTCC, the Library garden, lawn care plan, and a book sale.


Secretary Minutes of the March meeting were read and it was noted that the last sentence of
the Director’s report contained incomplete information on available grants so should be
stricken. Also, the fee for a Vendor’s table at this year’s Blueberry & Book Festival was raised to
$20 but was not included in the report.

Treasurer Reports were reviewed, and Carol noted that with Graeme delivering his Books
Sold Online report to her sooner, she will be able to give a more accurate final number of profit
at the next meeting. She delivered the 990 information to the accountant and they will file an
extension request. She also noted insurance premiums have gone up.

Director Fran reviewed the numbers from the past month.

Old Business – She is still waiting to hear on the grants she had applied for. The Comic Chaos
program was attended by 15 children and 4 adults with 5 Ithaca College students running the
event. It started quietly and slowly, but eventually there was good exchange of conversation
and information. It was a success and really appreciated by the kids who attended!

New Business Fran attended Team Tioga Workshop for grants, and will compile a wishlist for
Abby to keep on file in case a grant comes up that could meet it. The Family Literacy Mini Grant
is due April 24 and will request books for “at risk youth” with multicultural/diversity subjects.
The cooking/exercise class starts April 20 with walking at Berkshire and on April 27 cooking at

There being no further questions on any of the three above reports, Darlene Wait moved they
be accepted as corrected. Graeme Brilliant seconded the motion and it was unanimously

Old Business
Grants reviewed in Director’s report.

Online Book Sales Commissions paid to the online service will be included in next month’s

Policies There were no new policies required to be reviewed.

Blueberry & Book Festival Darlene reported the Blueberry Bakeoff event will be held by the
First Congregational Church of Berkshire again this year.

Darlene and Lena looked at the items upstairs to make baskets. Some of the stuff will go to
Salvation Army. They need some more baskets. She wanted the letter to give to businesses
requesting they donate items for the festival. Janice will look through her archives to see.

Lisa will put together games for older kids. She offered to rent a Dunk Tank and put it behind
the Fire Hall. All agreed this sounded fun who all are good candidates to dunk? Fran noted
the Finger Lakes Toy Library will provide toys mostly for younger children.

We agreed an outdoor PA system should be rented or borrowed if possible and John will check
with the Northern Tioga Chamber of Commerce to see if they have one available.

Food trucks should not compete with the food offered by the Berkshire Fire Dept, so Darlene
will get a list of what they plan to offer. She will also ask about our using the bay for the day
and before to set up.

The ice cream store in Richford that provided a deal on last year’s ice cream is no longer in
business. Perhaps Pizza Plus will provide the same deal. Janice will ask.

Nancy heard from 4 authors of the 19 she contacted so far.

Janice will send email to vendors tomorrow.
New Business
The Northern Tioga Chamber of Commerce sent a letter on its July 29th Summerfest requesting
sponsorship from its members. After discussion, Janice Merrill moved a $50 level donation be
sent. Carol Cox seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Garden The Garden Club was investigating the gardens, and requested grass seed and a 50’
hose with spray nozzle. Carol Leigh will purchase what they want under maintenance.

Book Sale Graeme requested we hold an in person book sale April 21, 22, 28 and 29 at the
Community Hall. This will be sales by donation and will set up at 2PM on Wednesday the 19th.
Two workers per day are needed, so a signup sheet to work was circulated. Breakdown will
take place the 30th and May 1.

Lawn care plan John will ask Brett Welch if he will do it again, and what his price will be.

Round Table

Janice invited us to attend the Berkshire Senior Club’s trip to see Newsies at the Family Life
Network’s location in Bath, NY on May 13 for $50 per person. Anyone interested should let her know.

There being no other business to conduct, Barbara Schwartz moved and Carol Cox seconded a
motion that the meeting be adjourned. All in favor and the motion was carried.

Next meeting is May 8


Janice Merrill, Secretary
Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting – May 8, 2023
held at the Berkshire Free Library
Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting – June 8, 2023
held at the Berkshire Free Library
Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting – July 10, 2023
held at the Berkshire Free Library
Minutes – BFL – Sept. 2023

Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting – September 11, 2023 held at the Berkshire Free Library

Present: Carol Leigh, John Stoughton, Janice Merrill, Nancy Lohmann, Graeme Brilliant, Carol Cox, Darlene Wait, Lisa Michaud, and Donald Murch.

John called the meeting to order at 3:32 pm. He called for additions to the Agenda, and none were added.

Secretary: Minutes presented were read and a typo on “Lamberts” under Treasurer report, and the name of the latest budget submission was changed to “Tioga County” from Town of Berkshire on added Agenda items.
Treasurer: Carol Leigh reported there was a problem with the software which required the vacationing Fran to be present when it was updated, so written reports were not available. However, the checking account balance is $22,000 so there are no worries.
Director: Fran will return from vacation next week, but she left a written report. We noted good attendance and new cards numbers, and 40 children registered for the summer program!
New Business: Computer Education classes and Chair exercise will begin later this month.
Rotary letter requesting Narcan kit placement in the library was read and discussed. We verified the kits must be housed inside, not outside the library due to freezing. The issue will also be brought up at the Town of Berkshire Board meeting, and others noted the issue was topic of consideration in Richford. After discussion, Barbara moved that a Narcan dispenser be put in our library. Nancy seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried. Fran will make arrangements upon her return. Hose holder request and Annual FLLS meeting will be dealt with under New Business.
There being no further discussion, Nancy moved to accept the reports as presented and corrected. Carol Cox seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Old Business

Grants were received from Tioga County Senior Citizens Foundation for $1,000, and another for $1,000 from (name to be filled in).
Online Book Sales – Graeme reported slightly less past month, likely due to lower priced items, but still made $98.50 profit.

Ice Cream Social – will be held September 28, Thursday, at 6:30 PM. Posters have been distributed, and if whole pies are left over, they may be sold as is. John ordered two 5-gallon tubs of chocolate rivel. Those who can work should be at the fire hall at 5:30. Darlene will check with Cheryl Simmons about putting the Pie & Ice Cream Social on the fire hall sign.

Fund Raiser – Nancy reported the fundraiser mailing was stuffed prior to the meeting. She asked about saving it until later in the month since the tax bill had been received by most residents. We felt it should go ahead and be mailed as soon as ready rather than waiting. John and Graeme will meet and get the Goal sign from the basement and place it out front to track donations.

Book Sale at Festivals – Freeville Harvest Festival was okay, netting $255 in donations. Attendance was stinted due to impending bad weather. Graeme needs helpers to work the book tent at the Richford Potato Festival, and help with the Historic Society’s tent and setup as we have done in the past. Book moving and tent and table setup will take place Friday the 15th at noon.

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New Business

Welcome Baskets – The Northern Tioga Chamber of Commerce sent a letter stating they would like to create welcome baskets for people who move into the area and asked what the Library could donate for the baskets. After discussion, we will include a used book, with a note saying if this is not to their taste, come to the BFL and get one they would like! Also include bookmarks and library card application.

Rotary request was discussed under Director report.
Hose Rewinder – The Tillers and Toilers requested a winding hose holder be purchased, and after discussion, Carol Cox moved that it should be purchased as presented on an Amazon printout for $70. Barbara seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
FLLS Annual Meeting – John noted FLLS Board is looking for one rep from Tioga County. The Annual meeting will be held October 13. It counts as a complete fulfillment of Trustee education for the year. Janice and Darlene volunteered to drive and bring as many as will fit in their vehicles. Let Fran know if you plan to attend and we can all register when it is available later this month.

Round Table

Regarding the Chair Exercise class planned for September 19, we should plan to visit the first day and see if the program will work for us. The instructor, Connie, is very willing to work with us to get the class that will bring the best attendance. She lives in Lisle and teaches yoga in Broome County. NTNN will again pay the insurance for the program.

There being no further business to conduct, Carol Cox moved and Nancy seconded adjournment. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Merrill, Secretary

Minutes-BFL – November 2023

Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting – November 13, 2023 held at the Berkshire Free Library

Present: Fran Miller, Lisa Michaud, Nancy Lohmann, John Stoughton, Janice Merrill, Carol Leigh, Barbara Schwartz and Carol Cox.

John called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. He called for additions to the Agenda, and to New Business was added Town Calendar, Christmas in Berkshire and Thank Yous to two people.

Secretary: Minutes presented were read and changes were made: Nancy Lohmann was not present at the October meeting, and in the Director’s Report, the teacher of the computer class is Jim Davone.

Treasurer: Carol Leigh reported that we are solvent, bottom line. Also Fran’s brother will manage an online donation program for our web page. He will attend the next Board meeting and present the process required. Wonderful opportunity for more donations made!

Director’s Report:

The dates for the Library to be closed in 2024 will be January 1 – Monday

May 27 – Memorial Day – Monday
July 4 – Thursday
Sept. 2 – Labor Day – Monday
November 11 – Veterans Day – Monday November 28 & 29 Thanksgiving
December 24 (early) and Dec. 25 – Wednesday

We added July 20,2024 as the date for the Blueberry and Book Festival. Fran will book the Community Hall. Lisa will ask Bill Morris about the fire department.

The FLLS eContent Overdrive contribution request was reviewed and they recommended $841 from BFL. In 2022 we gave $400 and in 2023 we gave $307. Fran suggested $350 be sent to FLLS, and Nancy so moved. Barbara seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Barbara moved, Lisa seconded a motion to accept the reports as corrected. The motion was unanimously passed.

Old Business
Grants: we received the Hooker grant of $2,000 for children’s non-fiction books. Online Book Sales: The amount received will be well over that which was budgeted. Fund Raiser: We have received $4,459 thus far.

New Business
Coats and boots: Vestal Elks had shoes and coats left over from their distributions and donated them to BFL; Fran distributed all but one coat. Barb Keener will be able to give that away or to the Cardinal Closet at the High School, which Cindy Gregrow says has need. Fran emailed the Owego Elks Club and will write a grant for this year for more coats and shoes to give away.

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Members of the Strategic Committee of the Apalachin Library visited the BFL and talked with Fran about the programs we offer that they do not, and how we can coordinate and work together in the future.

Budget: John called for an Executive Session, and Fran left the room. Upon reopening the regular monthly meeting, John reported that Fran will receive a salary increase to $18 per hour. Carol Cox moved and Barbara seconded her motion to approve the budget as submitted. The motion was passed unanimously.

Holiday Preparations: The Town of Berkshire and the Berkshire Recreation Committee decided to take part in the Northern Tioga Chamber of Commerce Christmas tree memorials which will be displayed in the circular area around the Fire Hall. They must be decorated between December 1 – 9 and decorations removed January 2 – 8. The Library had been asked if they would like to decorate a tree for the cost of $40. Janice moved and Lisa seconded to get one tree, which was unanimously approved. It was decided to bring outdoor-proof decorations and LED lights to the Library on Friday, December 1 at 11 AM . Hopefully a tree located closest to the Library can be chosen. If there are any library themed decorations, that would be ideal! Fran will invite any patrons who want to come help decorate.

Town Calendar: The Town of Berkshire is creating online important event dates, and the Blueberry and Book Festival of July 20, 2024, the dates the Library is closed (in Directors Report) and the Board of Trustee meeting dates of the second Monday at 3:30 at the Library will be submitted.

Thank Yous: Mary Ellen Odom has painted the front door, and does lots of planting around the Library. Bonnie Klossner donates lots of craft items out of her own funds. They will receive $25 gift cards to Annie’s in Newark Valley. Also thank yous will be sent to the Scouts for the Blueberry and Book Festival setup and to Carol Kania for her ad placement for the Blueberry and Book Festival.

Round Table

Janice noted she will do the smoking policy update hopefully next month.

Barbara suggested ”yarn bombing” a tree – wrapping the trunk and branches reachable with varied colored yarn. They do this in Owego and it looks wonderful. It is a warmer weather activity we may consider.

There being no further business to conduct, Carol Cox moved and Lisa seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. Unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted, Janice Merrill, Secretary

Berkshire Free Library
Board of Trustees Meeting – December 11, 2023 held at the Berkshire Free Library

Present: Fran Miller,Graeme Brilliant, Darlene Waite, Lisa Michaud, John Stoughton, Nancy Lohmann, Carol Leigh, Janice Merrill, and guest Tom Gath.

Call to Order at 3:30 PM. There were no requested additions to the Agenda.

Secretary: Minutes of the November meeting were read. There were no changes requested. Treasurer: Carol noted there was a large donation, and we received the Hooker grant of $2,000. The 501C3 acknowledgement and thank you was sent in Carol Cox’s absence. Carol Leigh also noted that the check to the Town of Berkshire for our Ancestry program is still outstanding.
Director: Fran noted that attendance this past year has been greater than the year before. Under New Business, Fran distributed a Talking Points document from training on Material Challenge Preparation. She also reported that we need a “Collection Development Policy” similar to what FLLS has.
Fran reported that only 27 magazines were checked out so far this year and suggested we may want to discontinue offering magazines.
Fran introduced Tom Gath who has a service helping businesses get set up for online sales, donations, payroll, etc. He will present the process during New Business.

Darlene Waite moved and Graeme Brilliant seconded the foregoing reports be accepted as presented. The motion was carried unanimously.

Old Business:
Grants – Hooker grant has been received. There is a Fingerlakes Outreach mini grant available and Fran is considering submitting as a form of outreach to the Amish. Fran will speak with Barbara Yoder about how the Library could reach out to the Amish community.
Online Book Sales – Graeme reported $454 in online book sales.
Fund Raisers – Thus far $16,505 has been raised from all fund raising activities this year.
Holiday Preparations – The Library has been decorated beautifully and has distributed cookies and cocoa during the recent Christmas Tree lighting event.

New Business:
Online Sales – In his many business setups, Tom uses SquareUp. It is easy to get started and he will help. SquareUp costs are 3% of sales, but less for non-profit donations, perhaps 2.7%. Also, the donor can opt to pay the administrative percentage so their entire donation goes to the Library. The bank account is directly linked to the donation page so any SquareUp donations appear at POS deposits on the bank statement. Tom noted that Paypal and Venmo funds must be separately transferred to the bank account. A card reader costs $300. We would need an iphone newer than 14 since Square is an app you open and just tap the credit card to make donation for book sales. Any iphone or android phone can use the app. For more information, look at SquareUp.com.


Tom said the SquareUp service is easy to cancel and there is no monthly charge. It also has a payroll component. The QR code for a donation to the Library can be printed on our fund raising literature and we can have our SquareUp link for donations on our Facebook page.

Janice Merrill moved and Nancy Lohmann seconded that we try SquareUp for online donations and other possible uses, and as quickly as possible we place a link on our Facebook page. The motion carried unanimously.

Smoking Policy – Janice requested that the policy be reviewed next meeting along with a potential change to accommodate the FLLS Collection Development policy mandate.

Round Table

Lisa Michaud noted that she has booked the Fire Department hall for July 19 and 20, 2024 for the Blueberry and Book Festival.

There being no further business, Nancy moved and Carol seconded adjournment. Motion approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted Janice Merrill, Secretary