


Live Resume Expert

Resume Assistance from live experts

Resume Templates

Get started by downloading a winning resume template

Resume Resources

Online resources to help you prepare your resume

Resume Lab

Submit your resume and receive expert feedback

Job Interviews

Live Interview Coach

Interview coaching from live experts

Interview Tips

Helpful tips for interview success

Online Resources

Carefully-selected resources to help you prepare for your interview

Career Resources

Live Job Coach

Expert assistance with searching, applying, and preparing for jobs

Career Assessments

Where to begin with your search

Job Resources

Begin your job search with these helpful resources


Live skills building and a library of lessons, videos, tests and more


Discover the college majors and careers that match your skills and interests.

Optimal Resume

Award-winning resume creation software, job interview preparation, and much more

Need a library card?  email to bfl@htva.net or leave a phone message at 657-4410