Children in the Library
12519 State Route 38 – P. O. Box 151, Berkshire, NY 13736
Phone 607-657-4418 Email
The Berkshire Free Library welcomes library use by the children and strives to create a comfortable and safe environment for children of all ages. The Library offers a variety of programs and services to encourage children to enjoy reading and life-long learning. The Library, however, doesn’t provide long or short-term childcare. A parent/guardian should accompany children while they are using the Library or on Library property.
The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the Library rests with the parent/guardian and not with the Library staff.
Children under the age of 7 must be supervised at all times.
Children ages 7-14 may use the Library on their own for a reasonable period of time provided they are able to follow library rules. Parents are still, however, responsible for the actions of their children. Children using what is deemed inappropriate behavior by Library staff may be asked to leave the Library. If a child of this age group is not able to leave the Library without an adult, he/she should not be in the Libra4ry alone. Children must also have the phone number of a parent or caregiver that may be contacted in an emergency.
Young people 14-17 are treated as adult users. However, they are still legally the responsibility of their parents.
Children attending summer reading or other planned library programs are supervised by the program leaders only during the scheduled time of the program.
Use of computer by children is covered in the Library Computer and Internet Use Policy.
Library staff is not responsible for children traveling to or from the Library.
Approved November 16, 2021
President John Stoughton